Scanning For Hope

When you’ve spent your whole life scanning for danger or threat, scanning for hope is challenging. Novel. Especially when everything around you seems to reinforce your fears. It’s as if you’re a bird with two different wings; the hope wing and the protection wing. You’re flying in circles, because your wing that’s skilled at protecting you from potential or legitimate harm is much stronger and bigger than your wing that knows hope, trust and faith. Thus, keeping you trapped in circles of perpetual over protection, and a need for some sense of control, even at the risk of crashing into a glass window and losing yourself.  

What if it was safe to invite something different? To trust how things are unfolding without waiting on the other shoe to drop? What if you stopped denying your needs and cared for yourself in the process, by receiving deeply, while offering generously? 

I am in an on-going state of recovery from the perpetual scanning of threats. And, I am transforming every day. Through active curiosity, which brings me back into the present moment. Through tracking what I’m receiving in even the smallest moments. And, finally, through consciously choosing to add multiple perspectives, where hope co-exists with threat and allows us to fly in new directions.